Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat

Trick or treating was fun for the girls, we went out to Richmond to the old neighborhood and went with our friends. The weather was perfect and the girls did'nt even need a jacket. It was the best weather I had seen on Halloween in a long time. Jackson went as himself and I was'nt quick enough to catch him and his gang before they took off for the night, so he is missing in action for the Halloween photo's

Jada, Jenny and Abby.

Hunter and her little friend Ryley that she misses so much and asks to play with him everyday.


Anonymous said...

LOVE your blog Laura....sooo cute..the background is awesome!!! YOUR music is soo fun..I really enjoy listening to that song...somewhere over the rainbow!!! YOu are just the cutest!!!
Love ya,

The Russell Family said...

That's fun to see our old house in Hill Haven. That is a great trick or treating neighborhood. Looks like you had a fun Halloween! Cute kids!!

jess said...

at least you got pictures. i left my camera at work and didn't get a single photo - and my kids were so cute!!

Angie said...

What cute kids and great costumes. They looked great. Our blog is

Fairytale Foto's by Melanie said...

I love how much you've done to your blog! It is so cute and you look gorgeous in your picture at the top! Your kids are getting too big and all of them are beautiful, even Jackson (especially in Hunter's pants ha ha) Well I miss you tons and can't wait to see you sometime, hopefully soon!!! Love ya!!!!