Sunday, November 16, 2008


Yes! That is Britt out in the freezing cold with her snowboarding jacket on and her dance shorts, doing a toe touch. She truly is amazing at them and believe it or not, they have looked like that since she was 6 years old.


Angie said...

That is amazing! I'm not even close to that flexable!

annilee said...

Brit has always been an amazing dancer! And I covet those legs!!! Oh to be young again! Tell her I love the pics! And the one of Jackson totally had me peeing my pants! That skinny little munchkin!

jess said...

top secret: i've never been able to touch my toes easily. and the thought of even trying to do that now...ouch. i think i pulled a muscle just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Way to go BRIT----WOW!! That is a way cool pic---Happy 16th Bday!!!
Love ya guys,


Wow Brit! I haven't watched you dance forever, you will have to post your performance schedule. Amazing!

Dustin and Shelli Chambers said...

I remember seeing that exact thing, ten years ago! different driveway, same cute girl!

Leslie said...

Cute blog!! Your kids are so cute--and I love your house!! I am so jealous.